WINTER DINNER, AGM AND PRIZEGIVING ON 23 NOVEMBER 2019 AT RLYC. (Members need to log in to download the newsletter)

Thank you to all who attended our two busy September events, it was a successful and well hosted Nationals at RLYC, followed by a most enjoyable resumed South Coast cruise and gathering at Itchenor Sailing Club. Full reports will appear in the Winter Magazine.

We are now looking forward to the Winter Dinner, our AGM, and annual Prizegiving on Saturday 23 November 2019 at 17.45.

Once again we return to Royal Lymington Yacht Club. The timetable and format of the meeting is as follows:

17.45 AGM (until approximately 18.30).

18.30 for 19.00 Association Dinner.

Dinner will be followed by the Annual Prizegiving and then by our Guest speaker Mr Barry Pickthall. Barry is a great friend of the Class and he and Sheila are our Association official Dinner guests that evening. He will need little introduction having co-edited and co-designed our 50th Anniversary celebration Book, but for those who haven’t met him he was formerly The Times yachting correspondent for four decades covering international events from the Olympic games, to the Americas Cup, and Round the World races. One of his recent project involvements was the interesting and eventful Golden Globe Round the World Race in 2018/9 and the efforts of corinthian entrants in this event. This will be the subject of his after Dinner talk.