Plans are advancing well for the Class Nationals at Cowes Corinthian YC and we hope and are looking forward to increased numbers after last years inaugural event. Here is some further information and an update of event news.

Once again it is a joint event with the CO 32 class, who made us so welcome in 2012.


The racing will be held over two days under the burgee of Cowes Corinthian Yacht Club, who are also running a number of other national events this season. Three short races are planned on Saturday and one longer one on Sunday, timed to finish at lunchtime to start re-delivery trips to your home port. Although the 26 fleet will all start together there are 3 Championship trophies being been awarded this year. In addition to the Rogers Trophy for the IRC rated racing boats Championships the Class is providing two new trophies for a Cruising Division Championship and also a Non-Spinnaker Division Championship. So, there is something for everyone to sail for.

On the social front a big advantage of a joint championships is good numbers for partying. On Friday night a BBQ is planned, and a very popular Cowes band is booked (punk band in kilts, wide variety of music and good to get a party going). All this for £8.00 per head. On Saturday night the customary pontoon party will be followed by a joint championship dinner. Current estimated cost for the Dinner is £16.50.

Entry fees will be £40 per boat and we are hoping to have entry forms soon from CCYC. These and further news will be available on the website. Some moorings will be made available on the CCYC pontoon for the first few entries and Shepards can arrange moorings for extra boats if we need it.

If any Class members and owners would like to attend the social side or part only they will be most welcome.

Looking forward to seeing you there.

Michael Harrison

1 May 2013